This really was a fantastic experience! I was sooooo nervous. But it melted away. Felt like a queen
— Jacqueline

As women, we have a very specific viewpoint of ourselves that we see on the daily. This creates limiting beliefs that hold us back from living our best life! A few examples of the beliefs I’ve heard are that they aren’t the right size, are too tall/short/thin/thick, too old, or not brave enough. I’m here to tell you that these are lies that we tell ourselves. You are WORTHY of being photographed and deserve to be comfortable in your own skin.

We offer you the opportunity to step back from the microscope that you view yourself through and see yourself through another perspective. I guide you through the entire process and it can impact your life far beyond a photo session. Let me show you how worthy you are just by being you!

Are you ready to feel like a BADASS?!


“You made it so easy to feel comfortable in my own skin… I can’t wait until my next session!”

You might be thinking…

Everyone else looks amazing but i can’t be one of those brave and stunning women you have on your site! It’s time to set aside those fears because you are stunning and I promise that you will be blown away by your boudoir photographs! Want to see more of our clients? click here to see the gallery!


Book your own intimate portrait experience

are you wondering what the body confidence boudoir experience is like? Fill out the form below and i’ll be in touch!